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like wine.
He looked uncomfortable.
She withdrew her hand.  Are you embarrassed?
 Are you a good lover, Angelo? She looked up at him, clutching
the labels of his black leather coat.
He smiled down at her.  Well, I m not my own best judge, Natalie,
now am I?
She swung a little off his labels, lifting one foot then the other.  No.
I d have to help you.
 Your taxi is here, he lifted an eyebrow, indicating the cab.
 Damn, she said as he led her outside to the car. He opened the
door and helped her in.
 See you tomorrow, he told her, shutting the door.
Arsenic and Rio
Chapter 103
t seven the next morning, Marshall was sent for by the warden.
 What happened yesterday? He demanded sternly, throwing
the report down on his desk from one of the guards.
Marshall stood in front him. He met his eyes.  Hal Makin said
something horrible to me, so I rushed him.
 Umm& was that smart?
 Is he dead? Marshall quipped.
 Well, then it was a waste of time.
The warden shook his greying head.
 Look at my face, Marshall told him.  Compared to what he did to
me, warden, I d say he got off pretty easy, wouldn t you?
There was a pause, and then the warden said,  I won t reprimand
you this time, Calletti, but next time, you ll be punished.
 Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
 All right, now prepare yourself, they will be taking you to the
courthouse shortly. And Calletti, he said,  behave yourself or you and
I will be seeing a lot more of each other.
Marshall nodded and left.
DJ Manly
Chapter 104
atalie had one hell of a hangover when Angelo arrived the next
morning to pick her up.
He went to give her the keys, but she shook her head.  You drive.
He smiled, getting behind the wheel. He wore a light blue sweater
under his black leather coat today, and a pair of jeans. Her sobriety
didn t lessen the attraction she felt for him.
They drove toward the courthouse in heavy traffic and each sound
made her head ache even more.  Can you stop at the coffee place? Just
go through the drive through. You want something, it s on me, she
said, digging some loonies out of her brief case.
He put up his hand.  I ll get it.
Angelo ordered coffee and a couple of Danishes. They pulled over
in the parking lot and prepared their coffee. Natalie took hers black.
He added some milk.
 In Italy, the pastries well&  he smiled.
 I can imagine what this tastes like to you, she laughed slightly.
 Do you mind if I smoke? he asked, opening the window.
 No. Go ahead. I didn t know you smoked.
 I don t, he replied.
She gave him a strange look.
 That s the same look Marshall gave me when he first saw me
smoke a cigarette, he laughed a little.
It was the first time she had ever heard him mention Marshall in
this way.
 Umm. He told me he gave up smoking, but it was tough. He could
never smoke just one when he had the taste.
 You don t have an addictive personality, she commented.
Arsenic and Rio
He narrowed his brow.  I don t know about that.
 Are you addicted to anything? She asked, sipping her coffee.
He laughed.  Maybe.
 What? You re not fat so it s not food. You don t drink all the day
long so it s not booze, it s not cigarettes& so&  she made her voice
go comically sultry,  must be sex.
 That s it, he said, snapping his fingers,  I knew there was
something. And lately you can add booze, although I hope it won t be a
lingering addiction.
She gave him a sympathetic glance.
Angelo lit his cigarette.
She felt as if she had known him for years, sitting here beside him
in the car in a comfortable silence, drinking her coffee. He was not a
pretentious man. He said what he meant and that was that.
 You really did love him, didn t you? She said suddenly, although
she wasn t sure what had prompted her to ask him that. She finished
her Danish and wiped her hands on a napkin.
He met her eyes and said very simply,  Yes, I did.
 The first time I met you, you gave me the impression you still did.
Were you telling me the truth?
 Why in hell would I lie about that? There are two things in this life
I never joke about, Natalie, love and death. There is something quite
foolish about playing with either of those things.
She wanted to hug him. Instead, she nodded.  Wise. Are you over
him now?
 What difference does it make? He took a drag on his cigarette
and blew it out the window.
He never mentioned last night, although she remembered every
detail. He was too much of a gentleman for that, and she was grateful
to him for sparing her the embarrassment. She knew she would have
spent the night with him if he had given her the least bit of
encouragement. She knew that he knew it too.
She finished her coffee and he threw his half-smoked cigarette out
the window and drained his own cup.
He started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. They
arrived at the courthouse a half hour before the court was due in
DJ Manly
She went to find Marshall who sat in the room off the hallway in the
back waiting. The guard who stood outside the door nodded at her as
she walked into the room.
Marshall looked up as she came in.  Natalie! He was happy to see
her.  What happened yesterday?
She put down her briefcase and shrugged out of her coat.  We
were stuck in the judge s chambers most of the day. Sorry about that.
They will allow Angelo s testimony today.
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