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Sharlene furrowed her brow. “What’s it?” Zack began pacing the length of the room. “Time. It’s the solution to all our problems. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before.” “Think of what before?” Keith wondered. Zack shook his head excitedly. “Don’t you see? Bart had more than enough time to change his will, and, in all likelihood, he probably did.” Liza nodded. “I agree with your logic. Most people when they receive a terminal diagnosis immediately update their wills and get their affairs in order.” “So Uncle Bart probably did change the will. What’s that got to do with time?” Sharlene wondered. “Everything.” Zack stopped his pacing and leaned against the mantel. “All we need to do to solve this mess is to convince Jeffrey that his uncle has changed the will so that you two don’t have to remain married 335 Cynthianna in order for him to inherit anything. If he’s convinced about that then he’ll demand his lawyers straighten out the divorce decree mess immediately so he can win back this Bunny Bread chick.” Sharlene giggled. “That’s ‘Bunny Byrd’, I believe,” “Bread, Byrd, whatever.” Zack shrugged. “I’ve completely forgotten what the bimbo even looks like now.” Sharlene rushed into Zack’s arms, hugging him tightly and covering his cheeks with kisses. She didn’t know if she was more thrilled by his brilliant idea to defeat Jeffrey’s scheme, or the fact that the airhead lingerie model hadn’t made a lasting impression on him. “Your plan sounds easy enough, homeboy,” Keith snorted. “We just print us up a fake will and fool ol’ Jeffrey with it. Yeah, right. That should do the trick.” Every eye in the room immediately rested upon Keith. He shook his head violently. “Oh, no, don’t you guys start looking at me that way. I’m just a simple computer geek, not a lawyer.” “You’re friendly with a few law students, though, aren’t you?” Liza sensually massaged her husband’s shoulders and blew in his ear. “I bet one of them could do something to help out if you asked. How about it, Sweet Lips?” Keith’s head lolled to the side, relaxing under his wife’s touch. “There is that dude who asked me to catalogue every porn site on the web for him. It just so happens he’s studying law.” Liza continued her massage. “Would he do you a 336 Scrambled Eggs little, bitty favor, you think?” “I—I don’t know. Maybe. The job was a lot more labor intensive than I originally thought, and he didn’t really pay me any extra for all my hard work.” Zack grinned. “Hard work, huh?” He picked up the phone from the couch table and placed it in Keith’s lap. “I’d say it’s time to call in the favor, bro.” * * * * * * “Why does it have to be me?” Sharlene grumbled. “I’m not a lawyer or a court official. He’ll see through our little deception and kick me right out of the house and then we’ll have to wait until Junior’s high school graduation to get married.” Zack folded his hands atop his desk. Keith had done his work flawlessly. Now it was up to him to convince Sharlene to act confident or else her performance would ring hollow. They were risking too much to let Jeffrey see through their scam and thwart their wedding plans. “You’re assuming Jeffrey’s a mind reader—or a sensitive human being—which we both know he’s not.” “Tell me about it,” Sharlene agreed. “All you really have to do is show him the fake letter and tell him how disappointed you two won’t be gaining any share of the estate. Being the little toad he is, he’ll give up on his dreams of riches and want to expedite the divorce so he can get back together with that Bunny Bread woman for a little mutual consolation.” 337 Cynthianna Sharlene smiled. “More than likely she’s probably busy on some porn flick somewhere out in Hollyweird right now.” “That’s good. She should be able to help support his expensive habits with her income. That’ll appeal to him.” “Won’t it ever.” In spite of Zack’s upbeat expression, a chill of dread suddenly came over her. She ran into his arms, holding on for dear life. “Zack, hold me tight.” He gasped for air. “You’re squeezing me to death.” She pulled back. “Sorry.” “Don’t be.” He took her small face between his hands, stroking her silky hair with his thumbs as he kissed her tenderly on the forehead. “You can do this.” She nodded. “I know. Give me my prop and I’ll be on my way.” “That’s my brave angel.”
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