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don t have to go, Megan! How often must I tell you? If I said anything I shouldn t, then I m sorry. You see? This hell is all of your own making, he finished triumphantly. Your memory is painfully short, Gianni. You didn t want to employ me at all to begin with. Now you want my contract to include being your mistress, without giving me any loyalty when you talk about me to your friends. Or any assurance of how long it will last and we aren t talking only of my career. I need my future to provide a lot more security than you re offering me, Gianni. Her voice rang with the resignation of someone who knew exactly what she was up against. This time Gianni couldn t stare her out. The first-aid box was open on the table, so she pushed it towards him. He dropped his gaze to her hand. She stared at the top of his head as he bent over the cut on her thumb. It s been hopeless, trying to dress my right hand with my left, she said, suddenly glad that he was here and taking control. She felt more faint than she wanted him to know. I wonder if you might need a stitch or two in this& What? Meg roused as though from a dream. She stopped, unable to carry on. He wasn t listening to her, but concentrating on her thumb. It ll be fine, she said, trying to convince herself. Are you up to date with your tetanus shots? It s practically inscribed in my job description. He cleaned the crime scene with all the skill of a surgeon. Are you quite sure you don t want me to run you into town to get this looked at? You re very pale. He searched her face. Meg looked away. Thanks, but I mustn t delay you any longer. It s time you weren t here, she said with chilling certainty. Sit there. He indicated tersely. Meg did as she was told as he began organising scissors, tape and bandage. She watched him, but neither spoke. She felt she had drawn a line under their affair and said enough: no more. But to her irritation Gianni couldn t leave it at that. He had a pathological need to have the last word, and to always be in the right. Meg had presented him with a wrinkle in his smoothly ordered life. He couldn t leave it alone. He d had to visit, expecting her to roll over and pander to him eventually, as everyone else always did. She pursed her lips. How could he call himself forward thinking, while keeping a mistress as all his ancestors would have done? If she gave in to her instincts and threw herself into his arms, she would be right back where she d started. The clock would be counting down the days until he started clearing the way for a wife and legitimate family to replace her. That would spoil any last illusions she had about him. I m not falling in with his plans just to salve his guilty conscience, she thought. As that thought crossed her mind Meg had a flashback. She was in the greenhouse with Gianni. He had played on the sensuality of his caresses all that evening, and made her wildest fantasy into a dreamlike reality. On that first precious evening he had carved his name deep into her heart. I want you to be perfectly clear what I have in mind for you, Megan. It isn t marriage. With those few words he had drawn her into a way of life that could only mean heartbreak. She looked down at him as he bent over her hand. It was all she could do not to dive the fingers of her good hand into the thick darkness of his curls. But that would plunge her straight back into his arms and his bed. Meg moved restlessly in her seat. She only felt truly alive with the touch of his fingers and the bliss of his kisses, but she could never risk leaving herself open to the pain and misery of seeing him marry another woman. She couldn t expose her heart to the sort of damage losing Gianni a second time would inflict. I ve stopped the bleeding. How does that feel, mio dolce? Much better, thanks. To her horror, Meg realised she was smiling. She had gone into this with her eyes wide open, yet Gianni had still managed to get the better of her. His seductive skills were irresistible. She knew he could sweep her up on wings of desire and take her to indescribable heights. They always shared something way beyond lust or heat. It had been a melding of two spirits& but one of them had resolutely kept a foot on solid ground at all times. Gianni was too keen on watching his back to give himself to her completely. She knew he would never let himself suffer by being led astray. She watched him as he finished bandaging her hand. Part of her was praying he would leave straight away. Every other fragment of her body desperately wanted him to stay. I d feel happier if you got it looked at the moment you finish work today. Always the thoughtful employer. Meg sighed. It s going to be some homecoming for me, sporting this. She raised her bandaged hand, because anything was easier than having to look Gianni in the face. He leaned forward, trying to catch her eye. How about some strong, sweet tea for the shock? His dark eyes were dancing. Meg felt her heart begin to melt, and had to look away. Once he had filled the kettle and switched it on, he picked up her penknife again. A blunt blade is dangerous, he repeated, picking up the pocket steel she had been in too much of a hurry to use. Working quickly he whetted the knife across each side of the file until it was razor sharp. That s very impressive, she acknowledged. Although I hope you realise I could have done it myself. But you didn t, did you? Gianni cross-examined her with one of his unanswerable looks. And that s how accidents happen. Meg put a hand to her forehead. She had wanted to get on with the work and so hadn t bothered with breakfast, although hunger wasn t the reason why she was feeling light-headed. She was trying so hard to be adult about the situation, yet Gianni was still patronising her. It was impossible to stomach. How are you feeling? I ll be great the minute I know you re safely on your way, Gianni. I m not going anywhere until you ve had something to eat. Gianni swung around the kitchen counter and opened the fridge. He didn t intend leaving her before he had the answers to a few questions, either. From the way she did her best to resist the temptation to look at him, he knew their shared memories were as fresh in her mind as they were in his. Gianni was accustomed to women falling at his feet, not avoiding his eyes. He was beginning to get the faint suspicion she might have been using him to fill in the gaps in her work schedule. That was an affront to his machismo. He ought to turn his back on her for ever. Somehow he simply couldn t. He told himself it was nothing more than the sight of this blood-stained and bedraggled little bambola, her eyes as big as saucers in her white face. It didn t work. This is impossible, Meg thought. Gianni was looking at her as if trying to decide which part to devour first. She glanced away, wondering if he was doing it to spite her or whether his face had a naturally insatiable cast. You ll have to go, Gianni. The Napa Valley is a long way away. I know, but they won t dare start the meeting without me.
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