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one spending his evenings with them.
When her long black hair gleamed like ebony, she got up to pace around the
room. She knew there would be no sleep for her until Quinn came home, even if it were
not until very late. That thought didn t do much to help her rising anger& and jealousy.
She didn t have any claim on Quinn O Shea. But she knew that he wanted her as much
as she wanted him. So why was he off with Lydia? Picking up a novel she d begun last
night, she curled up in a chair to read in an effort to take her mind of Quinn and what he
was doing.
It was just before eleven when she heard him come up the stairs. If she hadn t
known better, she would have sworn he had stopped by her bedroom door before going to
his own room. It must just be an over active imagination or wishful thinking, she
muttered aloud. With a sigh of frustration she slipped off her robe and slid into bed.
Now that he was home, she should be able to get to sleep. Fifteen minutes later she was
still wide-awake staring at the ceiling as the tree shadows did an eerie dance in the
silence. Her mind kept going back to the twins, to their fading memories of their mother,
and Quinn s obvious indifference to their needs in this area.
Finally she couldn t stand it another minute. She wouldn t sleep until she talked
to Quinn. Unmindful of the lateness of the hour or her state of undress, she bounded out
of bed, slung open her bedroom door and marched across the hall to Quinn s room. She
was so mad she wanted to pound on the door, but restrained herself enough to knock
lightly. She heard a muffled oath, some grumbling before the door was opened.  We
need to talk, she announced stepping around him into the room.
It wasn t until she turned around to face him that she realized maybe this hadn t
been such a good idea. Quinn had obviously undressed, then slipped his jeans back on to
answer her knock. He was shoeless and shirtless and took her breath away. His broad
chest and arms were sculptured muscle tapering down to a narrow waist and those long
thick legs. The matt of dark hair on his chest thinned down to a line that disappeared
beneath the open waist of his jeans. She gulped. Think Sage. Why are you here? Her
mind tried to get her back on track.
Quinn did his own bit of staring. Sage dressed was a delight to the eye, but
dressed only in that silky scrap of material she was breathtakingly beautiful. Without her
usual ankle-breaker shoes she was shorter too. Her lush black hair hung almost to her
waist making him ache with the desire to run his hands through it. When she didn t say
anything, he grinned.  Did you come to return my chain mail?
His easy banter snapped her back to where she was and why she had come.  No,
I have not, she bit out.  I came to discuss Kate and Cody.
Quinn had just spent a rotten evening with Lydia and was in no mood for more
unpleasant discussions. They would sign the final papers in the morning and he wouldn t
rest until that property was in his possession.  There is nothing to discuss, Sage.
 Oh, you think not? Well, unlike you who do not spend much time with them, I
do and something they said tonight raised some questions, she stormed at him pacing
about the room like an enraged mother.
 It s late and I m not in the mood to argue with you, he said sprawling in the
chair by the bed.  We can talk about it tomorrow.
 I won t be able to sleep until I speak my piece, Quinn O Shea. Not waiting for
him to reply she continued.  Do you know that they find it difficult to remember much
about their mother? She was a part of their lives for five years and they should have
pictures of her around the house. But you don t have any family pictures anywhere,
Quinn. They need to see her so they can remember.
 I don t need you to tell me how to raise my children, Sage! There were pictures
in the old house, but when I built this house they just didn t get put up. I m not exactly
into interior decorating. I m a rancher and my place is outside. He was angry now. She
had hit too close to home. Sure, what he had just said was true and he knew exactly
where all the pictures were stored. He just hadn t had the heart to put them back up. In
all honesty, he hadn t given much thought to how that would effect Kate and Cody.
Maybe he had been wrong.
 Hey, I m a decorator, Sage said stepping forward to stand in front of him.  Just
point me to the family heirlooms and I ll do what I can. She read the indecision in his
eyes as her anger dissipated.  I just want to help, Quinn. And I do realize I might be
interfering where I shouldn t. But the twins have come to mean a great deal to me.
Quinn wearily rubbed his face with his hands before standing up which brought
him close to Sage who barely reached his shoulder. She really was a miniature beauty.
 I ll show you where they are in the morning, he said on a sigh.
 Thank you, Sage said placing her small hand in the middle of his chest.
Quinn looked down at her hand, so soft and pale against his darkly tanned chest.
Her touch was gentle, but he felt it all throughout his body, and in one area in particular.
His eyes darkened as blood began to stampede through his veins. His body was suddenly
alive, hot and aching in need. One arm snaked around her shoulders pulling her into the
heat of his body. Slowly he lowered his head as his mouth captured hers, caressing,
tasting, savoring the feel of her soft lips against his. When her arms wound around his
neck, he pressed her closer cupping her firm rounded buttock in his large hands. He felt
heat wherever their bodies touched, wherever her breath touched him. He wanted, longed
to lose himself in her soft warm body.
Sage was lost to the taste and feel of this man as she thrilled to the feel of his skin
against her, soft against his rougher tanned skin. Shivers of anticipation shook her body,
as she pressed closer, opening her lips to his questing tongue.  Quinn! she groaned as [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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