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lips firing the blood in his veins.
 You would come to meet the challenge of the
Rite of Renewal? She asked in a whisper.
 I do. The Rite is my destiny. Kahmudj will
take his rightful place as your master.
 Zenthe has no master, Adita answered with
quiet authority.
 And that, my lady, is why Zenthe has faltered.
She has forgotten her rightful place  at the feet
and in the bed of Kahmudj.
Adita fell silent, her gaze turning west, blue sky
reflecting in her eyes.
 There are traditions, sir, progression along the
path, she said, her statement unfinished as she
slowly stepped toward him, her gaze still locked
on the heavens.
Angela Caperton
 But I know you have already tasted of my
priestesses. The three you returned spoke of your
skill. And of course, Rivah.
 Your First Priestess is safe in the camp, Sul
 I know, Adita looked at him.  She is safe, and
she is yours. Adita continued toward him.
 I am the High Priestess, it is within my right to
allow you to proceed with the Rite of Renewal, if I
so choose.
She stopped within arm s reach and Sul Tarkus
felt the heat of her, hotter than the noon sun on the
radiant stones. He smelled her sweat like honey
and roses, tasted her on the heavy air, salt still on
his lips from when he had buried his tongue in her
cunt so many ages ago. She would not look at him,
her eyes cast down and he stepped closer and
caught her wrist in his hand, circling it, insistent.
He realized then that she held a bottle in her
hand, a bulbous shape of golden glass, as though
she held the egg of the sun between them, and
Adita raised her gaze to meet his, eyes green as
valley fields, alight with golden sparks, like
precious coins scattered across the sward.
She put the bottle to her lips and drank slowly,
reveling in the wine, a line of rose wetting her lips,
gathering at the corner of her perfect mouth. She
held the bottle out to him, her eyes filled with
desire and darker things. Sul took it from her and
Woman of the Mountain
drank. He tasted the high mountains and the
desert at night, the chill of first frost and endless
rime, the finger of some all-powerful god of the
snows pressed against his heart and in the burning
inferno of noon, Sul Tarkus shivered.
 Zenthe s Chill, the High Priestess whispered.
 Made from grapes that grow in a single vineyard
in the entire world. It s located within the rim of
the crater here. The wine eases the heat of summer
but does not touch the fever of desire. Do you feel
 Aye, replied Sul Tarkus, his voice tight. His
cock stirred against his leg, pressing against the
loose blue pants he wore and he knew the truth of
her words.
Adita s gaze moved down, her vision fixed on
the movement in his pants, and she smiled. For a
heartbeat she became a coquette of some lowland
village, and Sul Tarkus saw the moment in the
planting season, a swain of the fertile valley, a
maiden in the cornfield, Zenthe s mystery between
them, and all the hope of the world in their
sudden lust. His breath grew harsh in his throat
and the words he had brought with him, the
demands and the promises  not all of them
threats  fell away and he was left with only the
aching rush of craving.
The golden robe disappeared like mist as he
tore it away with a growl. Adita, High Priestess of
Angela Caperton
Zenthe, pressed her hard breasts against his bare
chest, sweat slick, nipples stiff as fingers, his
hands on her back and bottom, drinking in the
amazing heat of her, the wine coursing through
his body, the bottle cast aside, shattering on the
stone in a skim of frost that burned at once to
She pitched against him, but Sul could not tell
whether it was from dread or passion. Her
struggles added more heat to their bodies and Sul
did not care about the nature of her squirming,
nor did it matter, for he would have her, this
goddess, this woman, here. He would fuck her
until she cried out his name again, worshipful,
reverent, and conquered.
With one hand, Sul Tarkus held both Adita s
wrists behind her. She writhed naked, her belly
pressed to his and the wide, thick length of his
cock rose as though trying to split the silken fabric
of his trousers. With his free hand he tore at the
waistband and pulled his length free, sliding the
pants down his legs.
The sword of Kahmudj, the unsheathed, veined
splendor of it, would have brought cries of
pleasure from the most jaded whores of
Bethemet s slums, and Sul marveled at the power
of Kahmudj within him now, unlike any other
moment he had ever known. His prick, almost as
long as his forearm, thick and fat-headed, jutted
Woman of the Mountain
out from his groin, the sword of eons destiny
within it, pulsing, ripe unto bursting to fulfill this
last great act to bring Kahmudj to full glory.
Adita s breath raged as he released her hands
and caught her around the waist. Her struggles
vanished, somewhat to his disappointment, and
instead her fingers drew shapes on his bare chest.
She looked up at him, her green eyes dancing with
wicked anticipation. Sul gripped her tight around
the waist and lifted her, holding her just above the
hard, pulsing slab of his cock, savoring the
moment when he would penetrate her, to feel the
very core of the goddess break beneath him, to
work in her and spend himself deep and endlessly
in the very heart of her being.
His heart jumped and the noonday heat made a
wavering curtain of his vision. A voice, familiar as
breath, whispered. Kahmudj. It must be Kahmudj,
for no other voice ever spoke within him.
 What if you fail?
As if stricken by a bolt of ice, Sul stopped. In his
inner vision, the smoldering mouth of the
mountain loomed, a black pit that a man might
vanish into, oblivion and a memory of a fall, all
the way out of heaven and into the flesh of a man.
His tongue dried in his mouth, his heart
fluttered more with fear than lust. Sul Tarkus
knew the immensity of the goddess, her power
and her majesty, and his cock quivered and
Angela Caperton
sagged against his thigh.
Adita held her head high, her gaze a storm of
divine outrage and fathomless intuition, the
slightest hint of a smile upon her lips. He set her
down and stepped back, his breath finally finding
release from his lungs. She wrapped her arms
around the impossible naked beauty of her body,
and hugged herself. Sul Tarkus stepped back,
unable to tear his gaze from the woman before
him, unable to reconcile the staggering weight of
the moment.
And all the while she watched him with eyes
the color of springtime, an expression upon her
divine face that might even have been pity.
* * * *
Casmin s heart hardly beat and his breath burned
in his chest hot as the sun that pinned his shadow
to the courtyard stones.
He waited at the head of fifty soldiers, too far
from the shining spiral of stone where Adita and
Sul Tarkus stood, shimmering figures in the
noontime fire, held at bay by Adita s order, by
Zenthe s will and her strength.
But when Casmin saw Sul Tarkus violent
motion atop the tower, saw the Kahmudjan lunge
at the priestess, the golden ruin of her garment
like a sudden flame torn aside, his legs began to
Woman of the Mountain
pound, against his will, against the command of
Zenthe and he ran hard, steel steps on the hot, flat
stones, rage the fuel that powered his charge.
Too late, he knew, whatever might have [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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