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and they shared a soul-deep look of understanding and want. Then they realized
that she had altered the lyrics.
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He's got eyes of the bluest skies, after a summer rain... I hate to look into
those eyes and see an ounce of pain.
His hair reminds me of a shower of gold, but when I touch it I find
It's softer than love's own whispered words
And strike's my lover blind...
"I'm the one with the blue eyes, right?" He asked, dropping behind her and
wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
"Don't you know what color your eyes are?" She asked, leaning back into his
arms. When she stopped singing the garden went back to normal sort of. There
was a prevalence of dark purple in the flowers, and the green always lush and
lovely, was so deep it almost breathed.
"Mirrors, darling...vampires and mirrors?
Cory made a strangled sound, almost a laugh but not. "Then how are you so well
groomed?" She snorted.
Adrian blinked. "I guess my friends have always been my mirrors.
"Well, hon, you have good friends." She chuckled, "You really are gorgeous.
He laughed then, and nuzzled her neck, but his eyes met Green's as he did so.
The moment went from playful to serious, in one throb of Cory's blood
underneath Adrian's incisor. Green felt himself go hard, in that one moment,
and he watched, entranced, as Adrian lowered his head and sank into Cory's
flesh, still while Green sank into his eyes. Green knew what was coming next,
erected a shield over the three of them without thinking, and then just
Cory moaned and leaned into Adrian completely, not forgetting that Green was
sitting there. She knew he was watching as her once crossed legs straightened
and stayed parted, but instead of closing him off, pretending he wasn't there,
she embraced his presence. She abandoned herself to Adrian's feeding, knowing
that Green was watching, trusting that she would still be safe. Her breathing
quickened and Adrian moaned, and her body bucked and a grunt and a muffled
scream wrenched from her throat as Adrian groaned in their completion. And his
eyes never left Green's.
Their bodies lay then, lax in silvered dark, and Green leaned over Cory's
body, carefully, to lick her blood off of Adrian's lips and teeth. Adrian
closed his lips then, captured Green's tongue, and Green's knees gave a
definite wobble. Cory's hands came up to his bare shoulders and began to
explore the vulnerable area below his collarbone, before moving to his flat
male nipples. He captured her hands, and pulled reluctantly away from Adrian,
noting as he did so how their sexual repletion had dimmed but not eradicated
the magical little pop'n'zings that had ping-ponged through his bloodstream
the last time they had touched.
"Later, children." He murmured, kissing her hands with lips and tongue that
still tasted of Adrian, and of her on Adrian's lips and tongue. "Later
tonight is for rest we have things to do tomorrow." It was gratifying to hear
them both whimper as he stood up and moved to walk away.
"What's tomorrow, Green?" He heard her ask. She sounded as though she were
pulling her thoughts together from a great distance. Good.
"Tomorrow you go back to work." He heard her murmur of surprise, but kept
walking, savoring their sounds of beginning love-making in the darkened
garden. He made double sure his initial shield would hold, then walked through
it, and the sounds disappeared. Soon, he promised himself. Soon.
Smile at the Nice Man
It felt weird to go back to work at the Chevron station. By 3 a.m. I had come
to two conclusions one was that there were no preternatural people out at all,
and the world was a scary place without them. What had once been a teeming
meeting place for trolls, brownies, were-animals and elves was now strictly
humans only and the dead of night was really the dead of night. The other
conclusion was that I was not the same person I was two weeks ago.
I stood there, behind the counter, listening to the regulars asking me how
vacation had been, and wondered if my life had ever been this small. Had there
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ever been a time when counting cigarettes had occupied more than a fraction of
my brain pan? Had there ever been a time when I hadn't scanned the population,
wondering who was preternatural and who was immortal, and who was just like
me? Had there ever been a time when I hadn't realized that being just like me
was a lot more than a pierced eyebrow and a bitchy attitude? Had I ever
thought Arturo was nothing more than a night cook at Denny's? The thought
humbled me. Arturo was so much more than a night cook at Denny's, just like
Adrian was more than a flamboyant party-boy. And, even I could reason the
rest. I was so much more than that "tough chick" persona that had kept me safe
for so long. As I helped yet another regular, one who smiled and kidded me and
asked me where my tan was, since I had been on vacation and all, I felt that
tough chick crumble around me, falling at my feet like a tattered prom dress.
I smiled at the regular like a real human being, and saw the older man go all
moony and slack jawed as he pushed out of the double doors. I could almost
smell his wonderment, and knew that in that moment, with that smile, I had
been his favorite niece, his best granddaughter, and the first girl he had
ever kissed, all rolled into one. I could do that with a smile, I realized.
Who needed to be a bitch?
Bracken sauntered in and I erased the smile from my face. It wasn't that I was
mad at him, but if I just suddenly buckled and turned into a complete
Pollyanna, he'd probably die of shock. They all might. I figured I might ease
into this "I'm not really a bitch thing" slowly it would be more comfortable
for us all.
"What the hell did you do to that old man?" He asked gruffly.
"I smiled at him!" I couldn't hide the defensiveness in my voice. "He was
nice. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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