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I couldn't just watch. He was a fellow animator and a human being. I couldn't just let him die, not like
this, not in front of me. "Wait," I said.
No one seemed to hear me. The vampires moved in, and I was losing sight of Zachary. If one bit him,
the feeding frenzy would be on. I had seen that happen once. I would never get rid of the nightmares if I
saw it again.
I raised my voice and hoped they listened. "Wait! Didn't he belong to Nikolaos? Didn't he call Nikolaos
They hesitated, then parted for Theresa to stride through them until she faced me. "This is not your
business." She stared at me, and I didn't avoid her gaze. One less thing to worry about.
"I'm making it my business," I said.
"Do you wish to join him?"
The vampires began to spread out from Zachary to encircle me as well. I let them. There wasn't much I
could do about it anyway. Either I'd get us both out alive or I'd die, too, maybe, probably. Oh, well.
"I wish to speak with him, one professional to another," I said.
"Why?" she asked.
I stepped close to her, almost touching. Her anger was nearly palpable. I was making her look bad in
front of the others, and I knew it, and she knew I knew it. I whispered, though some of the others would
hear me, "Nikolaos gave orders for the man to die, but she wants me alive, Theresa. What would she do
to you if I accidentally died here tonight?" I breathed the last words into her face. "Do you want to spend
eternity locked in a cross-wrapped coffin?"
She snarled and jerked away from me as if I had scalded her. "Damn you, mortal, damn you to hell!"
Her black hair crackled around her face, her hands gripped into claws. "Talk to him, for what good it will
do you. He must raise this zombie, this zombie, or he is ours. So says Nikolaos."
"If he raises the zombie, then he goes free, unharmed?" I asked.
"Yes, but he cannot do it; he isn't strong enough."
"Which was what Nikolaos was counting on," I said.
Theresa smiled, a fierce tug of lips exposing fangs. "Yesss." She turned her back on me and strode
through the other vampires. They parted for her like frightened pigeons. And I was standing up to her.
Sometimes bravery and stupidity are almost interchangeable.
I knelt by Zachary. "Are you hurt?"
He shook his head. "I appreciate the gesture, but they're going to try to kill me tonight." He looked up at
me, pale eyes searching my face. "There isn't anything you can do to stop them." He gave a thin smile.
"Even you have your limits."
"We can raise this zombie if you'll trust me."
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He frowned, then stared at me. I couldn't read his expression: puzzlement and something else. "Why?"
What could I say, that I couldn't just watch him die? He had watched a man be tortured and hadn't lifted
a hand. I opted for the short reason. "Because I can't let them have you, if I can stop it."
"I don't understand you, Anita, I don't understand you at all."
"That makes two of us. Can you stand?"
He nodded. "What are you planning?"
"We're going to share our talent."
His eyes widened. "Shit, you can act as a focus?"
"I've done it twice before." Twice before with the same person. Twice before with someone who had
trained me as an animator. Never with a stranger.
His voice dropped to a bare whisper. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Save you?" I asked.
"Share your power," he said.
Theresa strode over to us in a swish of cloth. "Enough of this, animator. He can't do it, so he pays the
price. Either leave now, or join us at our . . . feast."
"Are you having rare Who-roast-beast?" I asked.
"What are you talking about?"
"It's from Dr. Seuss,How the Grinch Stole Christmas . You know the part, 'And they'd Feast! Feast!
Feast! Feast! They would feast on Who-pudding, and rare Who-roast-beast.' "
"You are crazy."
"So I've been told."
"Do you want to die?" she asked.
I stood up, very slowly, and felt something build in me. A sureness, an absolute certainty that she was
not a danger to me. Stupid, but it was there, solid and real. "Someone may kill me before all this is over,
Theresa" - I stepped into her, and she gave ground - "but it won't be you."
I could almost taste her pulse in my mouth. Was she afraid of me? Was I going crazy? I had just stood
up to a hundred-year-old vampire, and she had backed down. I felt disoriented, almost dizzy, as if reality
had moved and no one had warned me.
Theresa turned her back on me, hands balled into fists. "Raise the dead, animators, or by all the blood
ever spilled, I'll kill you both."
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I think she meant it. I shook myself like a dog coming out of deep water. I had a baker's dozen worth of
vampires to pacify and a one-hundred-year-old corpse to raise. I could only handle a zillion problems at
a time. A zillion and one was beyond me.
"Get up, Zachary," I said. "Time to go to work."
He stood. "I've never worked with a focus before. You'll have to tell me what to do."
"No problem," I said.
The goat lay on its side. The bare white of its spine glimmered in the moonlight. Blood still seeped into
the ground from the gaping wound. Eyes were rolled and glazed, tongue lolling out of its mouth.
The older the zombie, the bigger the death needed. I knew that, and that was why I avoided older
zombies when I could. At a hundred years the corpse was just so much dust. Maybe a few bone
fragments if you were lucky. They reformed to rise from the grave. If you had the power to do it.
Problem was, most animators couldn't raise the long-dead, a century and over. I could. I just didn't want [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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